Flag Counter
Pick matches every day on the PAGE(Pay attention to DEADLINE)

You should pick SIX matches at most for WINNER, NUMBER OF SETS, TOTAL ACES and MATCH DURATION. You will get a score every day

Scoring rule:
 ① Right winner +1 ,otherwise +0
 ② Right number of sets +0.5 ,otherwise +0
 ③ Right Aces +0.25 ,0.01 deducted for every 4% diff with right Aces,at least +0
 ④ Right match duration(minutes) +0.25 ,0.01 deducted for every 3% diff with right duration,at least +0
 ①Match cancelled if WALKOVER or player changes
 ②Match cancelled if a wrong deadline takes bad effects on it
 ③Match cancelled if it is postponed to next day and still not completed. Score of a postponed match will be calculated on its original day
 ④If a player retires in the match, his opponent wins, number of sets will be calculated as if the winner completes best 3 or 5. Aces and match duration will not be calculated in the score

Each week is a tournament(except Grand Slams, Indian Wells and Miami for 2 weeks)
Click HERE for the calendar
Tournament levels are:GS、1000、500、250
Round 16(9-16)2401206030
Round 32(17-32)120603015
Round 64(33-64)7035189
Round 128(64 or more)101055
Not Qualified108--

The two RANKINGs are from: Integral Race and Knockout Race
Integral Race means to summarize total scores and get a ranking point for a tournament
Knockout Race means to put you into a draw, and make pairwise contest. The final round determines a ranking point for a tournament (Just like ATP/WTA rule)
As like ATP/WTA, the RANKING points count points in recent 52 weeks
   Ranking points of Integral Race count best 20 while Ranking points of Knockout Race count best 15
Integral RaceKnockout Race
EnterNo needClick HERE to enter in one week before tournament begins
FrequencyEach weekOnly GS, 1000
Rank points fromTotal scoreFinal round in the draw
CountBest 20Best 15

Notifications for Integral Race:
1、Submit then you can get score and point
2、Table above shows standard points for ranking. Your point = Your Score / Highest Score * Standard Point。Highest Score means the score of weekly winner
3、Minimum point for GS/1000 is 10, while 5 for 500/250

Notifications for Knockout Race:
1、Only in GS/1000
2、Enter and pick matches on the first day before the draw is released to participate. Draw will be released one hour before deadline on the first day
3、If two players have the same score, ranking is determined by A highest-score match,A second-highest-score match,...,Total score this week, Ranking point for Knockout Race, Ranking point for Integral race, entering order
4、If the number of participants is between 64 and 96(excluded), main draw size is 64 with 16 seeds, and qualifying draw size is not greater than 32 (Only one round)
5、If the number of participants is between 96 and 128(excluded), main draw size is 128 with 32 seeds(Top seeds will receive BYE 1st round)
6、If the number of participants is greater than 128, main draw size is 128 with 32 seeds, and qualifying draw size is not greater than 64 (Only one round)
7、Entry and seed rules:
   Participants mean those who enter and pick matches on 1st day
   All participants are sorted by Integral Race Ranking (previous week, by entering time if same), and cut lists for main draw and qualifying draw are made according to Rule 4-6
   All participants who are listed in main draw will be sorted by Knockout Race Ranking (previous week, by entering time if same) to be determined as seeds
8、Lucky Loser: If a player does not attend the first day of first round in main draw, he will be forced to retire. His draw position will be replaced by a Lucky Loser
   LL order: Losers in qualification round (Priority by score of Q round), and those who were not able to be in qualifying draw (Priority by Integral Race Ranking, if same, entering time)
9、The day number of each round is determined according to tournament process
10、A player is NOT PERMITTED to participate Knockout Race of next tournament if he is still in the draw but does not complete ALL matches of that round (no influence in this tournament, but next. If two players both do not complete any match in a round, they are both knockouted and their opponent next round will receive a WALKOVER)